Nothing is impossible.

I have always been a fan of Audrey Hepburn.  In my mind, she lit up the screen with her grace and beauty.  Turns out, she was actually quite humble.  Take this quote of hers, for instance:

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!  Audrey Hepburn

For one of Hollywood’s “royalty” to say something like this hits home even more so for me.  I mean, that she could look back and point out something so beautiful makes it feel like she’s giving permission for me to feel special, unique, and exquisite myself.

I’m always gobsmacked that more celebrities don’t use their fame to spread goodness and beauty amongst this planet.  If I ever become famous someday, I hope I use that platform to encourage, uplift and inspire others.  But in the meantime, the mission of The Quiet Whisper is to be a voice that encourages, uplifts and inspires others. So, whether I become famous or not, I’m going to do it anyway. May it be so.

