Elizabeth Kunc Elizabeth Kunc

Do not be dismayed.

Kindness was valued above all else in our household growing up. To do something thoughtful for someone else was modeled and expected. It was just a way of being.

Kindness was valued above all else in our household growing up.  To do something thoughtful for someone else was modeled and expected. It was just a way of being.

So I was a bit shocked when I went out into the world (off to college, that is), and even more dismayed throughout the various jobs in my lifetime, to find that most people are focused on themselves.  It’s a pretty hard lesson; one that I am still trying to wrap my head around.

Looking back, I realize that in spite of the awful things that have happened to me, or the way people have treated me, I am still kind.  When I read the quote above, I am reminded of how important it is for me to keep my heart open and to continue to be my kind self.

Question: Do you believe there are kind souls to be found in this world?

Food For Thought:  Has the world been unkind to you?

Challenge:  Are you brave enough to open your heart anyway?

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